What is a good rating on Amazon?

Amazon reviews are interesting.

They demonstrate a fact no entrepreneur or marketer should ever forget.

Take a look at the reviews of most products…

What do you see?

What is a good rating on Amazon

Usually, there are people who love the product, people who hate the product, and people who are like “meh, it’s okay.”

Statistics and standard deviations and all that stuff aside…

This should serve as a good marketing reminder for you.

No matter what you do… no matter what you say… no matter how good you make your product or headline or marketing message… there will always be some people who don’t like it. Or don’t care for it.

You can make your product flawless…

Doesn’t matter. There will always be people who aren’t fans.

You can engineer an award-winning, top-selling marketing weapon…

Doesn’t matter. There will always be people who don’t like it, don’t buy from it, and complain about it.

For every person who craves Rocky Road ice cream, there are those who can’t stand it.

For every person moved by Gary Vaynerchuk, there are those repulsed by his message.

For every person who thinks The Godfather is the greatest movie ever produced, there are those who don’t get it.

It’s just a fact of life…

You’ll never make everyone happy.

So, don’t even try.

Forget attempting to please everyone or appeal to everyone or make your marketing resonate with the masses.


Instead, be authentic. Be you.

And engineer your marketing messages to appeal to who they’ll appeal… and to repel those who they’ll repel.

Success loves speed and execution.

And fortune favors the bold.

To Your Freedom & Prosperity,
Leo Reynolds 🙂

P.S. Click here if you don’t have at least one marketing weapon which consistently brings you new customer sales every day.

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