How to Get a Second Brain…(and Why You Need One)

How to Build a Second Brain and Why You Need One

How to Get a Second Brain…(and Why You Need One)

Focusing for success is an uphill battle with the odds stacked against you.

When companies employ science and math to hook your attention…that’s pretty hard to beat.

Because of this, people are consuming more information, but getting less done.

Second Brain To The Rescue!

In short, a second brain is how you manage all the data you’re taking in.

It’s becoming the holy grail of note taking for some.

The key is to have a system that helps you give context to all the information you’re taking in and have it make sense whenever you refer to it.

There’s lots of information online about this topic, but I’ll simplify it for you here:

1. Your Main Hub of Gathered Information

This is where you’ll need to house all your ideas and research. Most people are using apps like Notion or Roam Research, but others find Evernote and One Note sufficient as well.

The key here is to be able to add to these platforms easily from other apps you may use to help you gather ideas, plans, and projects.

You should be able to add tags or have some way to search by keyword in your main app to pull up ideas based around a certain category.

2. Apps You’ll Use To Gather Information

Secondary apps need to help you gather information and process it quickly. Think items like Jing, Evernote web clipper, voice dictation apps, and others.

What you’re looking for here is something that you can use while you’re on a walk, working out, in the shower, etc.

3. Have A Schedule of Moving Information To Main Hub

Unless it’s fairly important, have a set day where you transfer information to your main hub. This way you can keep your mind clear knowing that your ideas aren’t lost forever.

4. Use It For More Than Just Business Stuff

Overall, the idea of a second brain is to help you have a place where information that you’re accessing can be organized without short circuiting the brain inside your head.

You can use your second brain to help you with organizing your life, kids needs, and more.

Others who are adopting this practice are using it to organize their movie lists, music, business ideas…the list is endless.

Set this up for yourself and try it for 2 weeks. See how much clearer your thoughts are and how much more productive you are.

Also if you want a bonus app you can use to help you organize your thoughts, check out Workflowy.

Thinking clearer will also affect your bottom line.

Now, I’m going to share the one shift you can make that’s the difference between earning $10/hr vs. $1,000/hr.

It’s something so simple…yet most people don’t think to do this.

If you apply this, you’ll set yourself apart from at least 97% of the competition. Read on..

How to Brainstorm Small Business Ideas

$10/hr vs. $1,000/hr…the Power of Specialization

If you want to make more revenue, you have to solve bigger problems.

For example, a plastic surgeon makes $500k/yr. A fast food worker makes $30k/yr.

The difference? Specialization.

Pulling food when a bell rings and wrapping it up doesn’t require much talent. Not like transforming someone’s physical appearance.

The plastic surgeon is also solving another problem. Confidence. That’s why people are willing to pay $10’s of thousands of dollars for one surgery.

How You Can Specialize as a Consultant, Coach, Author, Creator or Marketer?

If you’re a any of service provider or online middleman, then consider specializing in a certain market. For example, instead of trying to market to every offline business…become the go to person for a local niche like physical therapists.

If you’re a local marketer, to get results for one physical therapist, you not only immerse yourself in the market…but also make it easier to approach other physical therapists who want the same results in their cities they serve.

Does that mean you can’t go after other groups? Absolutely not. But you should consider segmenting your marketing for both groups as well as any emails you may develop.

This way your prospects will feel your message is tailored for them while helping to boost conversions and results for your business.

If you’re a blogger, website builder or niche marketer, then consider zigging where others zag.

Let’s take a body building course as an example.

Everyone will create a site to market to the obvious target which are body builders.

But what about moms who just had a baby and want to get their body back? Why not create your site for those moms and offer the same affiliate program, but tailored to how new moms could use it?

You’ll find that not too many people are applying this angle. And you’ll become a specialist to moms who want to get in shape, but without the normal ads and materials they’re used to.

You could apply this across a number of markets. CEO’s, insurance agents, realtors…the list goes on.

Overall, when you specialize…the world knows what to come to you for.

By getting specific and solving big SPECIFIC problems…you increase your revenue without having to make a ton of sales.

This is way better than being a jack of all trades and a master of none.

As we end 2020 and move into 2021, work more to become a specialist and get paid well for doing so.

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